040 27151610

Science & Computer Labs

The school is proud to have a hi-tech computer lab and science lab where kids can learn new technology and do experiments every day.

1. Silence should be observed in the laboratory while doing practicals.
2. The instructions given by the teacher and the Lab Asst. must be followed strictly.
3. Students will be responsible for any breakage or damage of the apparatus which is used in the experiment. In case of breakage, it should be immediately reported to the Lab Assistant.
4. Students shall bring to the lab proper record and observation note books and shall record all observations immediately after the experiments are performed.
5. Students will hand over the chemicals and apparatus taken for the experiment to the Lab Assistant when the work is over. They shall not bring in or take out any chemical or instrument from the lab.
6. Students shall strictly adhere to safety-rules and regulations while in laboratory.