To make the academic experience more colourful and memorable the Sarathian staff n students are grouped in four houses Agasthya, Kaushika, Koundinya and Vasista.
They have their respective colours. Agasthya with the lush green. Kaushika with the royal blue. Koundinya with the radiant red and Vasista with the mellowing yellow.
They wear the house colour uniforms on mass PT day, Taekwondo day, Saturdays and on special occasions. They have their respective house flag with their logo and the visionary motto.
The Investiture Ceremony is a feast for the eyes and ears with their spectacular march past, clad in their house uniforms and the captain’s holding the house flag and the vice captain’s with the placard that displays their motto.
Various literary, cultural and sports competitions are conducted house wise teaching them the golden values of participation and team spirit
And finally we uphold the belief that WE ARE ALL SARATHIANS…!!